7 Ways to Create Long-Term Passive Income Work From Home and Earn Money Online Forever

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7 Ways to Great Long-term Passive Income Online Working From the Comfort of Home 

In this article you will you learn 7 awesome free or cheap Real-Life ways to start creating an online passive income for your future. It requires short-term effort but reaps a life-time of reward if you don't give up! 

This article has all the fluff removed and is written for real people who truly want to earn money from home and create long-term passive income!

Do not look at these as different options. Do each one to the best of your ability. Each one is another piece of Electronic Real Estate to add to your Portfolio! 

#1 Make Money with Affiliate Marketing.

With Affiliate marketing you write an article one time and then it’s in Cyber Space forever. Another piece of Electronic Real Estate added to your portfolio!

Affiliate marketing one of the most popular ways to make money online. You can do this it's easy! The best part about affiliate marketing is that you can be an affiliate for nearly any company or product that you like and want to share with others! You can do affiliate marketing for Walmart, Shopify, Amazon, Fiverr, Uber, or electronic software like Jungle Scout that is a one-stop platform to run an amazon business.

(This article contains affiliate links and we may earn a commission if you click on one. Thank you So much for helping us stay home with our children! We are hear to help you Fulfill Your Dreams~reach out!)

You will just write an article one time or create a video with Vidnami that uses fascinating AI technology to create Beautiful Videos for you when you just add your text! You can alse create a beautiful Website at Bluehost which has modern templates, hosting and is one-stop for creating an amazing website that you can sell products from. They start at $3.95 a month so it's perfect those who want a great site but are on a tight budget!

Writing a blog with several pages of high-quality content, you essentially create an asset you can call your own.  


Tip: Put all of your marketing on Auto-Pilot by adding GetResponse  Your email list can be the most valuable asset you have once it’s created!  This one tool will save you a tremendous amount of time!  You will create the email templates One Time. Then every person who responds will receive all 10 emails on a drip feed until they sign up or make a purchase!

This one tool alone will be worth it’s weight in gold once your online business takes off and should significantly boost your sales. Most people see something 3 times before they make a purchase. So GetResponse automates this process and allows you to go live your life and enjoy your revenue!


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2. Start a YouTube Channel

If other people can make money from YouTube, so can you! You have most likely heard of Mr. Beast who earned $24 million last year for hosting stunts and challenges. And Dude Perfect, a group of 5 friends, made $23 million for playing with Nurf guns and paintballs! You can do this!

Your YouTube channel should focus on a specific area so you are able to target your marketing and build up a following of subscribers. One of our YouTube channels, Miss Money Bags Online, we focus solely on helping others make money online from home. On another channel, Treasure Everyday, we focus on inspirational music and positive aspirations to inspire people to live their life to the fullest. You can make a YouTube channel about anything you are passionate about. If you like wood-working, chances are there are many others who do too. Pick something you are passionate about and it will be easy to post videos on a regular basis.

Here is a challenge for you. Go to your favorite YouTube channels and scroll down and see when they started posting videos. Look at how often they uploaded. Most take 6 to 12 months of frequently uploading to get moving with consistent subscribers. Be patient. Be consistent. Take your time and create great content. It will grow if you don’t quit!

Think about why you watch YouTube. It is usually either to entertain yourself or to learn something. So provide that for others and then reap the rewards of being on the other side!

Once you’ve reached the 1,000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours, you can officially monetize your channel with YouTube Ads. Need help getting the word out about your channel? No problem! You can do the free ways like facebook posts, do TicToks, Instagram or you can use our tip below!


TIP:  Use Veefly to grow your YouTube account faster with real visitors and organic traffic. For $10 they will get you 800 to 1500 views. They can’t guarantee subscribers but if you know you have great content this is the fast way to get the word out! Once you get subscribers your channel can grow fast! Even if you spend $100, it will be well worth it once you are making that in a few days in ad revenue, affiliate commissions, and merch sales.


#3  Publish an Ebook.

You can use the new software SCRIBBLE to Create, Format and Publish Multiple Ebooks Fast on Amazon KDP, it’s never been easier to publish an ebook! Once you get Scribble you just pick from their hundreds of beautiful full color templates, add your text and you’re done! The more ebooks you create, the more opportunities you have to earn future passive income.

You can even use new AI technology called CrAIte where you can type a sentence like “The Most Beautiful Places to Vacation on a Budget” and the software will pull information from the web and write the book for you! It even checks the format to make sure it is plagiarism-free.

You can even go on Fiverr and hire someone to create the ebooks for you for a small one time fee. Then you earn all of the money from all future sales. However, with Scribble, you literally just drop text in there and the software creates the ebook. So it probably makes more sense to start there.



TIP: Use Videly to Get an Edge and Get an Inside Look at what topic people are searching for and how many monthly searches are done for each topic. It will also tell you which long-tail keywords people are searching for but there are not currently very many results for. The software will even rank the keywords for the ones you are most likely to be successful marketing toward.

Then to jump-start your sales, you can give away your ebook for free for a few days. This gives you a quick boost to help you rank high in search results and to get some favorable reviews. This will help you rank higher in the paid listings. Another great free place to advertise is Pinterest. You can go on Canva.com to create an attractive image and even turn it into an animated image for free leads to your Ebook!


#4 Start a Blog.

Blogging is a lot easier than you think! Just talk into your phone using voice text about something you are passionate that you think others will be interested in. You write it One Time, and then it is in Cyber Space forever able to make you money. Even if you only do one per week, by the end of the year you will have 52 articles out there able to make you passive income the rest of your life!

Don’t make it hard! Most people would rather read a practical article the way normal people talk to each other than a fancy article with big perfectly articulated words.

If you don’t love to write you can hire others to do it for you on Fiverr. You will pay money upfront, but be able to add your affiliate links into the article to make money from the rest of your life!


#5 Create Print on Demand Merchandise.

With Print on Demand, you don’t need to carry inventory or ship out products to customers yourself. You can create logos or designs on Canva.com.and easily upload them to Printify.


This should take less than an hour of your life. Create it once, and then it can earn you passive income indefinitely.

There are several free methods to promote your print on demand merchandise. You can use free methods like posting on Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, or YouTube.


#6 Become an Influencer.

There are a lot of ways to make money as an influencer once you get a following. You can make money by companies paying you to promote their products, you can get paid from affiliate links, and merchandise sales. You can also do things like creating an online class or writing an ebook that is much easier to market if you already have a loyal following of people who trust you. You can also start a Podcast or YouTube channel where you create content one time and then it can pay you long-term.


#7 Create an Online Course.

Everybody knows something that others don’t. Creating a course is a lot of work, but it is a one-time investment of your time that can pay long-term dividends! You can sell your course on Teachable or Udemy. You can also create you own Website through Bluehost which seems to be the best all-in-one platform and prices start as low as $4.00 a month.

Before you create your course, be sure to do your research. See what is selling. Read the comments see what people like and dislike. Oftentimes, there will be comments suggesting what topics they would like to see or things they wish the course had included that were missing. They will often also detail everything they loved about the course that you will want to be sure to include when creating your course.

Once you create your course, the fun part of promoting the course begins. It is best to write articles or do short videos about topics related to your course not the actual course itself. So, for example, if you have a marriage course, you can do a short video “3 Things Happy Couples Do that Others Don’t”. Then at the end mention your course to learn more or to sign up for your email list with Marriage Tips. Be sure to use GetResponse so that when they sign up they will get 10 automated emails on a drip feed. You write the emails one time and then they go out to thousands of people with no additional work on your part!


Each one of these methods adds yet another virtual property to your Electronic Real Estate Portfolio. They take some of your time and effort up front, but they position you to have multiple streams of revenue coming your way forever!


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